
Clubwise UK Limited T/A Privacy and Cookie Policy

Clubwise UK Limited (We, Us, Our) is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner's Office, registration number Z2743729.


Maintaining customer data in a secure manner is important to us. This Privacy Policy and the associated Cookies Policy sets out how we will process your personal data, how it will be shared in order to provide you with our products and services, how we protect your personal data and what your rights are.

From time to time we may need to update this policy. If the change is material, we will let you know by placing a notice on our website.

Please read this policy carefully. Should you have any queries about this Privacy Policy or other aspects of data protection please call 01670 512 504 or email

Privacy policy

"Personal Data" is any personal information which relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. You agree that the Personal Data which you supply to us will be true, complete and accurate in all respects, and you agree to notify us immediately of any changes to that Data.

"Sensitive Data" is information which relates to an individual's racial or ethnic origin, sexuality, health status, political beliefs, union membership or criminal background. We will not ask you for any sensitive data. Occasionally we may come in to possession of sensitive data which is acquired from searches of open source information and databases.

We will deal with your Personal Data in compliance with the applicable Data Protection regulations. Please note this applies only to Clubwise UK Limited and subsidiary companies, not to other companies or organisations' websites to which we link. Clubwise UK is not responsible for the content, or the privacy practices employed by other sites.

What Information We Hold:


  • Title / Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Smoker / Non Smoker
  • Email Address
  • Current Address
  • Previous Address
  • Declared rent arrears history
  • Your declaration of any criminal record you may have
  • Details of any pets you wish to keep in one of our properties
  • Employment status and details of that employment (including contract type, salary, length of service)
  • National Insurance Number
  • Unemployment details (and current housing Benefit / universal Credit entitlement)
  • Following information obtained from credit search:
  1. Previous Addresses
  2. Credit search history
  3. Insolvency and CCJ information
  4. Linked addresses
  5. Notices of Correction



  • Title / Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Current Address
  • Previous Address
  • Bank Details (for transferring of rent payments)

Where we hold your Personal Data

Where your Personal Data is in a hard copy (i.e. on paper) it is held in a file, in a secure office exclusively under the control of the company's Data Controller

Where your Personal Data is in a digital format it is either held on a local password protected PC in a secure office exclusively under the control of the company's Data Controller. It may also be held as a file on a secure remote server administered by Dropbox. Some of it will be held with third party organisations with rigid Data Protection protocols. These are the companies Credit Safe Business Solutions Limited and GoCardless Ltd. Credit Safe perform credit and AML checks on our behalf and GoCardless administer our Direct Debit payments.

How we use your Personal Data

We will collect and process Personal Data for the purposes of carrying out AML (Anti Money Laundering) checks and tenant reference checks for our clients, to satisfy our legal obligations and the other purposes mentioned below.

Personal Data will also be processed by other organisations on our behalf for the purpose of providing Clubwise UK services such as Direct Debit bank payments. The use of information will remain under the control of Clubwise UK at all times. We work hard to ensure that we only partner with organisations that apply the same high standards to data protection as we do. Once you are a registered client, we will hold Personal Information relating to the transactions you enter into with us.

We use your personal data to verify it against consumer databases that are non-proprietary and which are held by trusted, licenced, third parties.
When you call us we may monitor or record your calls to confirm your instructions or for training and regulatory purposes. To view or correct your Personal Data, you can write to us at 2 St Georges Square, Morpeth, NE61 1SL. A fee of £10 may be payable, in certain circumstances, for viewing Personal Information and we will respond within 48 working hours.

Sharing Personal Data

For us to provide you with any of our services it is necessary for us to disclose your Personal Data to third parties with which we work. We will always do so in in good faith and for the following purposes, for example:

• Verifying the data you have provided is true
• To comply with AML (Anti Money Laundering) best practice
• To transfer rent payments to landlords' bank accounts
• To enforce our Terms and Conditions, or to act to protect the interests of our registered customers or others
• To enable you to be advised about changes or amendments to our service or for marketing purposes
• To conform with a legal requirement or a request from authorities with which we will fully cooperate with

We do not allow the third parties we work with to use or share your data for any purposes other than what has already been agreed and stated above.

Your rights

We will respect all the rights that you have under applicable Data Protection regulations. Where appropriate to do so, we will correct, amend or delete your personal data.

Specifically, we will honour your following rights:

  • The right to access to your personal data
  • This is subject to other relevant legal requirements and the provision of suitable identification. We reserve the right tocharge a fee in certain  circumstances
  • The right to correction or deletion
  • You have a right to correct or amend your personal data if it is incorrect. Please contact us to update your personal data. You also have a right to deletion, subject to other applicable legal requirements.
  • You will not receive marketing material from us.
  • You have the right to be informed about the processing of your personal data
  • This privacy notice sets out how we will process your data. It will be updated from time to time or at times of regulatory change
  • Cookies Policy

    Why are cookies essential to how customers use the website?
    This website, along with the vast majority of other major websites, uses cookies. Cookies are small harmless files that are transferred to your device's hard disk when you access a website. They are designed to:

    Please note that none of the cookies used on our website collects personally identifiable information about you.
    Why you should keep cookies switched on

    We would like you to keep cookies activated on your device during your visits to our website because, without cookies enabled, we cannot guarantee that the website, and your experience whilst visiting it, will be as good as we intend it to be.

    How does Clubwise UK Limited use cookies?

    At Clubwise UK limited we use two types of cookie on this website:

    • Session cookies- These are temporary cookies, which only exist in the period during which you access the website (or, more strictly, until you sign out of your account and close the browser after accessing the website). Each time you revisit the website; these cookies will be stored and then removed once you sign out of your account. Session cookies help the Clubwise UK ( website remember what you chose on the previous page, therefore avoiding your having to re-enter information. On our website, these cookies do not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify you.

    • Third-party cookies- As well as using cookies from our advertising and affiliate partners, we may also embed external content from other third-party websites within our website. These include sites such as Facebook and Twitter, whose cookie usage policy you can view on their own websites.

    How to control and delete cookies

    If you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by us, you can do so by editing your browser settings. The 'Help' function within your browser should tell you how to do so.

    How to contact us

    If you require further detail or have any questions about this policy, please contact us using the details below


    By Post: The Data Controller
    Clubwise UK Limited
    2 St Georges Square
    NE61 1TN